Plant Information
These are plants that do well in the San Antonio and Hill Country area. General care and maintenance requirements are provided. Call for individual plant pricing. All plants can be ordered for in-store pickup by appointment only or scheduled for delivery to your project.
All plant installations come with organic and synthetic nutrients. Timed-release synthetic fertilizer promotes vigorous root growth and plentiful flowers for the plant's first 4 to 6 months in the ground. Organic compost and manure replenish nutrients in the soil. Warranty available on Installations. |
General Tips:
Black Magic Elephant Ear

A tropical perennial that enjoys full to partial shade. Grows best with regular watering and should be wrapped before a freeze. Plant may die back to a bulb during hard freezes and re-emerge in the Spring. The entire plant is poisonous and can reach sizes up to 4' tall and 4' wide.
- High Water Needs
- Full Shade to Partial Shade
- Deer Tolerant
Blackfoot Daisy

This Texas native reaches heights of 1 foot by 2 foot wide and blooms throughout the spring and summer. Blooms best in full sun, requires little water, and is deer tolerant. Attracts butterflies and hummingbirds. May require cutting back during cold winters.
- Low Water Needs
- Full Sun to Partial Shade
- Deer Tolerant
Blue Salvia

Mexican native Salvia with a compact spreading growth habit. Spreads underground, easily becoming a perennial ground cover. Flowers less in full shade, leaves change from green to purple throughout the season. May require cutting back during cold winters.
- Low Water Needs
- Full Sun to Full Shade
- Deer Tolerant

This flowering evergreen comes in multiple varieties. The Lil Jon, or dwarf variety only reaches 3' x 3' and makes a great Xeriscape plant or hedge. The full size Bottlebrush can reach heights of 12' with weeping limbs under the weight of it's flowers. Produces significantly more flowers in full sun and requires little maintenance.
- Medium Water Needs
- Full Sun to Partial Shade
- Deer Tolerant

A flowering perennial that does well in our hot dry climate. Is tolerant to pest and requires little water. Flowers throughout spring and summer. Reaches heights up to 2'. Can not be used in areas with deer.
- Low Water Needs
- Full Sun to Partial Shade
- NOT Deer Tolerant
Bush Daisy

This flowering perennial produces yellow flowers until winter. It does best in full sun and typically reaches sizes of 4' by 4' at maturity. May require cutting back during cold winters.
- Low Water
- Full Sun
- Deer Tolerant
Cast Iron

This shade loving evergreen plant grows well under oaks and requires little maintenance. A slow grower that reaches heights of 2' by 2'.
- Medium-High Water Needs
- Full Shade
- Semi-Deer Tolerant
Cherry Laurel

This evergreen shrub produces a small white flower that attracts butterflies and humming birds during the spring. The compact variety reaches heights up to 10' and makes a great privacy hedge. Regular pruning helps maintain fullness and shape of the shrub.
- Low Water Needs
- Full Sun to Partial Shade
- Deer Tolerant
Chinese Pistache

Tough deciduous tree that produces brilliantly colored leaves in the fall. Leaves range from red, orange. and yellow before falling. Can reach heights of 50' with a width of 35' at maturity. Appreciates regular watering.
- Low Water Needs
- Full Sun
- Deer Tolerant

A tropical Yucca like plant that develops a trunk without the spines. Can reach heights of six feet, but should be covered in winter or protected from North winds. Makes a great focal point or an interesting foundation cover in rows.
- Medium Water Needs
- Full Sun to Part Shade
- Deer Tolerant
Crape Myrtle

This flowering deciduous tree is available in numerous sizes and colors. From dwarf varieties that only reach 10' to full size 40' giants. They make a great colorful addition to any landscape. Pruning maintains this plants shape and size, but is not encouraged regularly.
- Low Water Needs
- Full Sun to Partial Shade
- Semi-Deer Tolerant

This Texas native flowering vine can crawl up to 40' high and produces an abundance of flowers. It is a semi-evergreen and is drought tolerant.
- Low Water Needs
- Full Sun to Partial Shade
- Deer Tolerant
Cypress, Italian

Evergreen tree that can reach heights up to 40' tall and only 3' wide. Makes a great accent plant to frame front porches or break up large elevations. Minimal maintenance, limited to watering and fertilizer.
- Low Water Needs
- Full Sun to Partial Shade
- Semi-Deer Tolerant

Small evergreen shrub that grows roughly 2' by 2'. This sun loving plant is covered in small yellow flowers. Requires little maintenance and little water.
- Low Water Needs
- Full Sun
- Deer Tolerant

Native to Texas and Mexico this yellow bell flowering perennial has bright green leaves and yellow trumpet shaped flowers. This hardy plant enjoys full sun and requires little water once established. Trim plant back in winter to encourage fullness in Spring.
- Low Water Needs
- Full Sun to Partial Shade
- Deer Tolerant
Fig Ivy

This evergreen vine quickly covers any surface it touches with small green leaves. Once the ivy has covered as much as possible, it will produce larger leaves with an ornamental fig-like fruit. To remove the ivy it is best to kill the plant and remove once the leaves have dried.
- Low Water Needs
- Full Sun to Partial Shade
- Deer Tolerant
Fern - Foxtail

This bright green fluffy fern is named for it's resemblance to a fox's tail. It makes great hanging baskets when paired with drip irrigation and down lighting from the supporting branch. Should be wrapped in freezing weather.
- Medium Water Needs
- Part Shade to Full Shade
- Deer Tolerant
Fern - Holly

This 2' by 2' fern get's it's name from the holly like leaves. It is a shade loving evergreen that burns and dies back in direct sunlight. It will regrow each time more tolerant to the sunlight, but should be planted in the shade and wrapped in winter.
- Medium Water Needs
- Part Shade to Full Shade
- Deer Tolerant

Evergreen shrub like plant. Large interesting leaves cover the entire plant reaching around 4' tall and wide. Excessive sunlight will burn the leaves.
- Medium Water Needs
- Part Shade to Full Shade
- NOT Deer Tolerant
Grass - Pampas & Dwarf Pampas

Semi-evergreen grass with giant white fluffy plumes. Full size variety can reach 10' while the dwarf reaches 5'. Makes a great privacy screen or barrier because of it's sharp blades. Trimming back in winter promotes thicker blades in spring.
- Low Water Needs
- Full Sun to Part Shade
- Deer Tolerant
Grass - Purple Fountain

This large ornamental grass grows to 4' by 4' with purple and white plumes. The leaves remain purple until the weather cools. The plant is prone to freeze if not protected from North winter winds.
- Low Water Needs
- Full Sun to Part Shade
- Deer Tolerant
Grass - Mexican Feather

Drought tolerant clumping grass. Can reach 2' tall and spread up to 30" wide. Plant requires very little water and can be easily over watered.
- Low Water Needs
- Full Sun
- Deer Tolerant

A flowering evergreen shrub that comes in many great varieties. Sizes range from 3' by 3' up to 12' tree like shrubs. Bloom color varies from white to numerous shades of pink. Once established, regular pruning will help keep the desired shape well defined with thick foliage.
- Low Water Needs
- Full Sun to Part Shade
- NOT Deer Tolerant

Grass-like flowering perennial. Can reach 4' by 4' if protected from winter winds. Blooms through summer with fertilization and regular watering. May require thinning out in winter.
- Medium Water Needs
- Full Sun to Part Shade
- Deer Tolerant
Japanese Yew

Slow growing evergreen shrub. Can be pruned to customized shapes. Naturally forms a conical to dome shape, but is commonly pruned into shapes for hedges, topiaries, or screens. Requires regular pruning to retain shape and fullness. Produces berries that are mildly toxic. Does better with higher levels of Nitrogen in fertilizer.
- Medium Water Needs
- Full Sun to Full Shade
- Deer Tolerant

Evergreen Grass like plant with a beautiful bloom. Big Blue Liriope produces a blue stalk like flower towards the base of the plant. Giant variety reaches 2.'6" tall and 2' wide. Leaves lay down in the cold winters. Requires little maintenance and easy to grow.
- Low Water Needs
- Full Sun to Full Shade
- NOT Deer Tolerant
Miho Mandarin Tree

This Texas Superstar produces plentiful mandarins. Cold hardy, but should be planted in an area protected from cold North winds. Attracts bees and huming birds to the flagrant flowers in Spring time.
- Low Water Needs
- Full Sun to Part Shade
- NOT Deer Tolerant
Mountain Laurel

Small flowering evergreen tree. Native to this area, this plant can be found growing throughout the Hill Country. Produces a purple flower that smells like bubble gum. Reaches heights of 25' and 20' wide in full sun, but will be a shorter tree in shade.
- Low Water Needs
- Full Sun to Part Shade
- Deer Tolerant
Oleander & Dwarf Oleander

Flowering evergreen shrub. Can be used for a privacy screen or accent plant. Dwarf variety reaches 4' to 5' tall. The plant is poisonous and can be fatal if consumed. Available in white, pink, and red color variations.
- Low Water Needs
- Full Sun to Part Shade
- Deer Tolerant
Palm - Pindo Palm

Drought tolerant evergreen palm, blue-gray to silver-gray in color, with spines down the leaf stems. Reaches heights of 20' and has a spread of about 8' Produces a fruit that can be used for jelly or jam.
- Low Water Needs
- Full Sun to Part Shade
- Deer Tolerant
Palm - Mediterranean Fan Palm

Multi trunk evergreen palm. Cold hardy and drought tolerant this palm can be used in a variety of landscapes. Reaches nearly 20' tall and 8' wide.
- Low Water Needs
- Full Sun to Part Shade
- Deer Tolerant
Palm - Sago Palm

Evergreen palm that forms a slow growing prominent trunk. New leaves emerge from the central trunk. The leaves harden up with a stiff midrib, sporting plenty of needle like leaves with a sharp point, turning dark green. Should be covered during a freeze. Grows faster with larger branches in full shade. Maintenance requires trimming branches from lower trunk yearly.
- Low Water Needs
- Full Sun to Full Shade
- Deer Tolerant

Large glossy leaves growing off a large unbranching stem that sprawls along the ground. Reaching roughly 5' by 5', this tropical palm like plant does well protected from cold Northern winds. Should be wrapped during a freeze.
- Medium Water Needs
- Part Shade to Full Shade
- Deer Tolerant

Perennial bush with large blue clusters of flowers. Full size variety reaches 3' high by 5' wide, while the dwarf barely reaches a foot and a half and does not closely resemble the full size Plumbago. May require trimming back during winter.
- Low Water Needs
- Full Sun to Part Shade
- Deer Tolerant
Pride of Barbados

The green bipinnately compound leaves are light & fern-like with leaflets and bright panicles. Can reach 5' tall and 5' wide. Re-emerges in spring thicker when trimmed back.
- Low Water Needs
- Full Sun to Part Shade
- Deer Tolerant

Multi-trunk small tree. The seed pods are flat, reddish brown and can be up to four inches long, persisting into the winter after leaves drop. Buds of pink or purple flowers appear in late winter and cover the majority of the branches. The waxy, glossy green leaves are heart shaped, with slightly waved edges. The different varieties available reach heights of 20', but have slightly different colored flowers and leaves.
- Low Water Needs
- Full Sun to Part Shade
- Semi-Deer Tolerant

Evergreen herb that produces small blue flowers. Leaves can be used for cooking and is thought to increase memory. Comes in a few varieties one of which is a weeping rosemary that drapes over retaining walls. The upright variety can reach nearly 6 feet tall and wide. Trim regularly to maintain fullness.
- Low Water Needs
- Full Sun to Part Shade
- Deer Tolerant
Salvia Greggii

This semi-evergreen native plant is available with coral, red, pink, purple, or white flowers. Does well in full sun and can reach over 3 by 3 feet. Extremely drought tolerant. Has a place in every landscape. Trim anually to promote thicker growth.
- Low Water Needs
- Full Sun to Part Shade
- Deer Tolerant
Salvia Leucantha

Semi-woody herbaceous. Upright growing sparsely branched. Produces beautiful blue velvet flowers with emerging white pistols. Can reach up to 4 feet high and 4 feet wide. Trim old branches in winter to make room for the fresh limbs begining to emerge.
- Low Water Needs
- Full Sun to Part Shade
- Deer Tolerant
Society Garlic

This flowering perenial smells strongly of garlic. It works well to detract deer and other wildlife from your garden. Grass like leaves at the base and trunks that end in purple flowers about a foot above the leaves. Makes a great border plant or accent plant.
- Low Water Needs
- Full Sun to Part Shade
- Deer Tolerant

A Texas native that forms a rosette of leaves lined with a multitude of sharp spines. Requires little attention and produces a flower that can reach 15' high. Trim bottom spines to promote a distinctive base.
- Low Water Needs
- Full Sun to Part Shade
- Deer Tolerant

Low gowing plant that reaches up to 3' wide. Can be used as a trailing plant from hanging baskets or over retaining walls. May require trimming back in winter.
- Medium Water Needs
- Full Sun to Part Shade
- Deer Tolerant

Aromatic leaves that have 5 to 7 leaflets. They are dark green on top and grey-green on the bottom. Can reach heights around 15 feet in a tree form. Can by pruned to a shrub or left to grow into a medium small tree.
- Low Water Needs
- Full Sun to Part Shade
- Deer Tolerant
Yucca - Red Yucca

Small rosette-like growth habit. The leaves grow rolled up halfway and have curly threads along the margins. Spreads to 5 feet wide and shoots flower stalks over 5' into the air.
- Low Water Needs
- Full Sun to Part Shade
- Deer Tolerant
Yucca - Soft Leaf

Trunk forming Yucca that can reach heights of 6 feet. Shoots a flowering stalk up to 5 feet above the leaves. Can form a trunk with multiple heads. Trim lower leaves to encourage trunk development.
- Low Water Needs
- Full Sun to Part Shade
- Deer Tolerant
Yucca - Rostrata

A trunk forming Yucca that requires little water or maintenance. Can reach heights over 10 feet. Commonly confused as mini palm trees. Old leaves can be trimmed close to the trunch or left as a skirt.
- Low Water Needs
- Full Sun to Part Shade
- Deer Tolerant